Who I Am: My Story
Melanie C

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Published: 2023

I never told my story before because I wasn’t ready. Now, finally, I am.

Twenty-five years ago, The Spice Girls released our first ever single, ‘Wannabe’. At that moment, my life changed forever. I was suddenly part of one of the biggest groups in history, releasing hit after hit and living out everything I’d ever dreamed of… The BRITs, Spiceworld, the London 2012 Olympics and more!

I have been known as Sporty Spice, Mel C, Melanie C and plain old Melanie Chisholm, but what you will read within the pages of this book is who I truly am and everything I’ve been through. I want to share with you my crazy experiences, my amazing journey and my full self.

I hope you enjoy it with me.


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